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Monthly Update - May 2017

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 5:08 am
by Alex
Hello everyone,

It was a bit of a mixed month for Pegasus Fleet. We had a few sims that did very well and were very active, and several sims that were not. Remember captains, don't hesitate to reach out to your TFCOs if you need help. It was also a bittersweet month for the PFA. Today we welcome a new member of the Admiralty, but must say farewell to another. But before I get to that, I want to welcome our newest CO, Commander Elizabeth Hart of the USS Galileo. Welcome to Pegasus Fleet, Commander.

As stated in a special announcement last month, Rear Admiral Wells decided that it was time to step down from the PFA. Because of this, we had a vacancy at Academy Commandant. After reviewing the applications, the PFA has selected Rear Admiral Duncan Harper to be the new Pegasus Fleet Academy Commandant. Admiral Harper has been a long time member of the Fleet, serving as Captain Elijah Michaels, CO of the USS Victory. He's also recently been working with Admiral James to develop the Pegasus Fleet News Service, a project that plans to present sims and characters to the rest of the fleet through in-universe reporting and interviews. Admiral Harper can usually be found in Discord as @Joshua. Congratulations, Admiral.

As I stated, we are also losing a member of the PFA. Admiral Minka Stannes, who recently had agreed to take over as Chief of Fleet Operations with Admiral Wells's resignation, has also decided to step down. Illness over the past month has made it difficult to find time for simming. Admiral Stannes has been another valued member of the Admiralty and the Fleet. She developed and revitalized our Academy, rewriting and adapting our commanding officer course and overseeing the studies of many of our current commanding officers. It was through her efforts that we have created one of the best academy courses in the greater simming community. Although she has only been CFOps for a short time, in both her time as TFCO of Division 74 and as the Academy Commandant, she became a friend and confidant to many of our members. Hopefully she can start focusing on her health and be able to rejoin us soon. Her sim, Stargate Cataclysm, will be moving out of the Fleet for now, but we hope that they can rejoin us soon.

With Admiral Stannes's departure, that leaves another vacancy in the PFA. In order to maintain some continuity with the position, Rear Admiral Christopher Gordon Sr. will be transitioning from the Director of Resources to Chief of Fleet Operations. This means that we are opening Director of Resources for applications. The Pegasus Fleet Director of Resources is responsible for creating, reviewing, and maintaining the ship specifications, technology, anthropological, and historical records for the Fleet. This department is normally split into Starfleet Engineering and the Galactic Anthropology Committee. As a member of the PFA, candidates for this position must have a drive to improve the Fleet and promote the ideals of Pegasus Fleet. As the head of the department, they must have strong communication skills, attention to detail, and a firm grasp of Star Trek canon and technology. If anyone is interested in applying for this position, you can contact me at, or click the button below. There is an additional assignment associated with the PFDR application, so be sure to request an application right away if interested. All applications will be due back to me by Wednesday, May 17.

The May monthly meeting will be held on Sunday, May 7, at 3:00 pm EDT (7:00 pm UTC) in the #meeting channel of the Fleet Discord server. Please note that this is the first Sunday of the month instead of the second. This is because the second Sunday of the month is Mother's Day in at least the US. All current and prospective members of the Fleet are invited to attend. The next meeting will be on Sunday, June 11.

As always, Live Long and Prosper

Sim of the Month Award
Gold Sim of the Month - USS Victory
Silver Sim of the Month - USS Gladiator-A
Bronze Sim of the Month - Stargate Cataclysm

Post of the Month Award
March's Post of the Month is a tie!:

"Don't I Know You From Somewhere" by Lieutenant JG Erin Whitlam PhD & Jordan Gunning (Starbase 332)


"Into the Cosmos" by Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Kevin , Lord Kilbane of Sanquhar & Captain Allen Jones (USS Victory)

For the April Post of the Month, follow the link below, check out the nominated posts by clicking "[READ HERE]" next to each nominee, and vote for your favorite.

Voting will close on Saturday, May 27, so be sure to make your voice heard. Commanding Officers, be sure to remind your crews so that we don't miss anyone.

Cast Your Vote Now!