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Re: Input Required: Fleet Timeline

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:34 pm
by Gaius Plinius
I like the idea of slowing down the time flow. It seems silly to me to have only 2 or 3 missions happen in a year of ST time. It seems like we're getting too far away from established ST canon. That being said, I think we either need to all do it or not do it. If we don't have the same timeline, what makes us a fleet? So I vote no to the option, but I would vote yes for a fleet-wide change.

Re: Input Required: Fleet Timeline

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:54 pm
by Lan Parker
That's a very good point Gaius, what does make Pegasus Fleet, a fleet? I'll ask this question elsewhere.

Re: Input Required: Fleet Timeline

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:20 am
by Kelly
We are not Bravo Fleet. We are Pegasus Fleet. We do things our way, not any other way. Problem is that most people will ignore the "timeline". Who cares what year it is? I don't as an XO. In all my years as a CO in another fleet, I never said what the time/year/date was. I never cared. The missions progressed at their own rate. Sometimes, the mission took four weeks in real time to do with a week in character time. In eight years, I never had to think/decide what ST year it was. No one on my crew or in the fleet ever asked what time it was. When I did joint missions, we all were on the same timeline without the first person asking about the year.

This is just plain stupid. If you aren't going to enforce it, then why force it on people? We are one group of writers. I can take my character and move right along if I need to. I've done it a million times without ever looking back. I've been writing for this character and others since 1997 and in eight fleets as Kelly, including Bravo. No one has ever said, "The year is yada-yada-yada." Let's continue to be Pegasus Fleet, not Bravo Fleet Jr.

Grace Kelly
XO, USS Glenn

Re: Input Required: Fleet Timeline

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 11:38 am
by Yana_Giles
This is my first sim. I understand there is a piece of legislation at the echelons above reality from my perspective. In the fleet announcement, it says this affects me. But it does not define exactly how it effects me or even what it brings to the sim I am in or to the fleet as a whole.

In my opinion with fresh eyes on simming as a whole, I ask the basic question of 'why do we need it?'

In my opinion, all that needs to be directed is what era we are in. Then aside from that, fleet could keep a sequence of major events or missions for a historical record, but it doesn't specifically need to be tied to a date.

Based on these proposals, if we go with the 1 year to 1 year option, then that means my character spent five days in a turbolift in a conversation.
If we go with option 2 years to 1 year option, that means she spent only 2.5 days in a turbolift. If that's a turbo lift, then I'd hate to see a regular elevator. An even scarier thought is a two week long staff meeting.

If someone can elaborate on exactly what this brings to the simming experience it would make more sense. As it is, it appears to just be legislation for the sake of legislation.

Re: Input Required: Fleet Timeline

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:19 pm
by Williams
Yana_Giles wrote:Based on these proposals, if we go with the 1 year to 1 year option, then that means my character spent five days in a turbolift in a conversation.
If we go with option 2 years to 1 year option, that means she spent only 2.5 days in a turbolift. If that's a turbo lift, then I'd hate to see a regular elevator. An even scarier thought is a two week long staff meeting.

If someone can elaborate on exactly what this brings to the simming experience it would make more sense. As it is, it appears to just be legislation for the sake of legislation.

I'd like to just point out, that even if it were to be accepted and applied to all sims, it wouldn't be taken so literally as that :P It wouldn't be that today's date in RL would inextricably be linked with the ongoing dates in sims; the actual story will always progress slower than real time, just due to the time it takes to write a story between multiple writers. It would be used more to help ascertain roughly when the mission takes place. So missions in year A (RL) would take place in the first six months of, say, 2388, whilst missions in year B (RL) would take place in the last six months of 2388 (or conversely, if we stick to the 1:1 ratio, missions in year A would take place in 2388, and missions in year B would take place in 2389).

It would primarily affect the chronology of events occurring in the fleet (or external to the fleet's operation zone, if other things get accepted into Fleet Canon) and give us a timeline for when each event occurred In Character, and when in relation to our own sims' story points it occurred (in either the 1:1 or the 1:2 options). Those kind of timeline considerations would come down and affect you should your CO choose to implement or mention said events in the sim's timeline (or if you wanted something to mention in a post as a 'current goings on' kind of thing).

I hope that makes sense for you. If it's still not quite clear, then feel free to drop me a PM with the points you'd like explaining a bit more, or even find me on IRC on one of the nights I'm able to get on (mostly weekends at the minute)

Re: Input Required: Fleet Timeline

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 10:53 pm
by Blackcat
/me sighs. But by the same token, codifying it into a rule does affect the entire fleet, even those COs who opt out. Refits, instead of being 3-5 years in between, would then take 6-12 years instead. People who like the simple 1:1 formula for figuring out their character ages (My Blackcat character started about 1998, that was 14 years ago, making him 36 years old or so in game...) How much more complicated?

You keep making the point that no one would be held to it, but by making it fleet canon, you make it affect everyone because of the little things that it does affect fleet wide.

The thing is, by the current, no rule system, if the CO wants to go for a 2:1 scale, there is no rule stating that they can't, so the COs who like the 2:1 rule aren't getting any short end of any stick, you just aren't complicating it for those of us who don't like the idea, for whatever reason. There's no reason to pass a rule that is optional, isn't wanted by the majority, and even being optional presents difficulties for those who are against it.

Re: Input Required: Fleet Timeline

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:37 pm
by Lan Parker
Basement Cat has a point that I agree with on this occasion.

The fleet already sets the year anyway on the IFS page...lemme go fetch.
Pegasus Fleet IFS Main Page wrote:...

As of the year 2386, the 11th Fleet was reformed under the unofficial name 'Pegasus Fleet'. Its continuing mission; to explore the unknown regions at the Galactic South, and make and keep diplomatic negotiations with the Federation's neighbours.

The colony of Cestus III has been completely rebuilt since the events of 2267...
This means the fleet is set in and around 2386. We're happy with that, everyone signed up to that and to be honest, RandD haven't done anything 'progressive' with technology yet.

Re: Input Required: Fleet Timeline

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:13 am
by Alex
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by 'progressive', but I've been working on putting the specs together for the Diligent class (although much more slowly than I thought. I hope to have those finished tomorrow and then crank out the updated Ronin specs tomorrow night), and we introduced the Vesta class which introduces the QSD. Even though the QSD has not been implemented into the fleet tech, new ship classes do show that Starfleet technology its changing over the passage of time.

If you meant something else by progressive, let me know. If there is something else that R&D should be working on, I'm all ears.

Re: Input Required: Fleet Timeline

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:34 pm
by Williams
Lan Parker wrote:This means the fleet is set in and around 2386.
Actually, that was the year the fleet was set in when it started :P Up until the most recent revision of the Constitution Article II, the fleet was specified as always being 377 years ahead of the current RL date, so with that system, we'd currently be in 2389

Re: Input Required: Fleet Timeline

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 4:27 pm
by Lan Parker
Seems like someone needs to update the IFS XD