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Magic: The Gathering

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 4:47 pm
by Stern
I am fairly active in a major Magic: The Gathering forum community, and I've been playing for, well, too long really. While these forums don't seem very active, I thought I'd take a chance and see if anyone else here plays?

I don't really play Standard anymore, but I do sometimes play Legacy and Modern. Mainly though I play EDH/Commander, and right now I have three main decks; a Jenara Bant ETB deck, Jarad dredge/reanimator deck that I am thinking about converting into a dredge/stax, and a Maelstrom Wanderer ETB/frustrate the hell out of you deck.

My main legacy deck is a ratty old legacy elves deck that is horrible and fun, and my Modern deck is a Loam/Zombie Infestation thing that is both terrible and hilarious at the same time.

Anyone else?

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:33 am
by Seleia
/me blinks at new language just spoken.

Don't play... :\

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:42 am
by Stern
Seleia wrote:/me blinks at new language just spoken.

Don't play... :\
It is definitely one of those things that has its own lingo.

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:43 am
by Joe_Rhimer
I play, but apparently not as much as you do lol

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:46 am
by Stern
Joe_Rhimer wrote:I play, but apparently not as much as you do lol

lol, I actually don't get to play nearly as often as I'd like, what with a family taking up a huge amount of my time. That said, it is a big hobby for me!

What do you play?

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:59 am
by Joe_Rhimer
I've only recently gotten back into it. I have the Izzet Ingenuity deck and a green life deck that has proven to be pretty damn nasty, even against some of the stronger decks out there. Most of my money lately has been going toward Warhammer 40k though lol

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:57 am
by Juuls
LOL... I haven't played MTG for a while, it was one of my favorites and I love to roll dice when I get the chance to play warhammer or 40k. I'm such a geeky girl.

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:29 pm
by Stern
40K is good stuff as well; I used to have a fairly extensive Death Korps of Krieg IG army, but I ended up selling it a number of years back when my wife found out she was pregnant. MTG can be expensive, but it tends to be a less expensive hobby than that.

I still collect the books for 40K though :P Abnett is a beast when it comes to writing.

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:11 am
by Joe_Rhimer
Abnett is phenominal! I actually don't spend THAT much toward 40k. Most of my army was given to me as payment for painting up another army a few years ago lol Good ole Tau.

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:44 pm
by Stern
Joe_Rhimer wrote:Abnett is phenominal! I actually don't spend THAT much toward 40k. Most of my army was given to me as payment for painting up another army a few years ago lol Good ole Tau.
Nice! I cringe when I think about how much I had personally invested in my army. I think just my command squad alone was like thirty bucks, and that was just five guys. It only went up from there. Still, it was a lot of fun.

And yeah, Dan Abnett is, well, the best. Funnily enough the first book I ever read by him was Guns of Tanith (still my favorite of the GG series) - we were moving from Oklahoma up to Oregon, I think I was around 13 years old, and I found the book at a truck stop in their discount bin. After I read it I realized I needed to read the damn things in order and went out and got the ones that I had already come out by then. I've bought every book he has put out since, as well as a few other Black Library authors who I thought were pretty good.

Some are hit or miss though, like Graham McNiell; the dude has written some amazing books (Fulgrim?) and some just okay books.