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Player created races

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:12 am
by CmdrLanc
What do you look for when a player wants to create a custom race?

What would be an automatic "no"? What would/should the minimum requirements be?

If you (as a player) have a custom race, what did your CO require? What did you include in the write up when your created the race/character?

Would you (as a player and/or a CO) support a Fleet "standardized form" for race creation? If not why and if so, what would you want to see on said form?

I am not saying there is or should be one. I am not trying to force the hand of the PFA. It is just a topic for discussion.

Re: Player created races

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:45 pm
by Taylor_Isley
On Oberon Base I have a Created Race Policy. My big thing is that your race needs to be fully fleshed out and open for everyone to read. I do this so players can't make things up in the middle of a mission out of the blue. My thinking is that if you want to make a race you need to put in the work to flesh it out.

Members, new and old, are welcome to create a new custom race to be played on the Simulation. However, the created race must be fully fleshed out. Members who Create races must create a new Database entry, in the Base Cannon section, with all of the following information and more if you so desire.

Race Name:
Home System:
Society (Government, level of development, etc.) :
Culture and traditions:
Any other importing information:

It is important to Note that a created race needs to be balanced and on par with other Cannon races. You should apply all relevant information about the races abilities.

Re: Player created races

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:55 pm
by Nate

Re: Player created races

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:48 pm
by Seoulless
I personally put a lot of work and thought into any race I create. To start with I usually use a wiki-style template which includes:

Homeworld (including Geography)
Economy (like major exports, unique cultural items)
Religion (if any)
Typical appearances/physiology
Notes/Extra Info

Balance is always important as is trying to make them interesting.