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Ship/Mission Status Mod for Nova

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:14 pm
by Williams
Hi everyone

I've been asked a few times in the past if I could make a mod for the ship/mission status sections on the Highlander's site available on Anodyne Xtras - until now I've said no, since the original idea wasn't mine, and the implementation of it was very basic. Last week however I had some spare time on my hands, so I sat down and wrote a proper mod for it that I've now published on Xtras, and so I thought I'd mention it here in case anybody is interested in it. It ultimately looks the same, but the options are now individually configurable through a page within the admin control panel.

The old implementation also had it so that you would change the shield status image through a number of presets (I had off, on, damaged and offline) - which you can still do in my mod, but I've also added a new way of doing it in a more granular setting. You can now set a percentage on each shield face, and the graphic will change the appropriate sections colour to match. So if only your rear shields are offline, the graphic in your sidebar can be made to show that without a whole new image being created.

The other main feature of it is that it can grab your latest mission post automatically, instead of it having to be updated manually. By default it'll pull the latest published post, but there is an option to only pull posts from a specific mission, and also an option to override that totally, and tell the mod what post ID to use. It'll pull all of the relevant data (post title, timeline, posted date, authors), and each one of those can individually be toggled on/off. I'd recommend only setting the authors option to on if you choose to put the mission status section somewhere other than in the side bar - for joint posts the list can get pretty long, and it doesn't look too great squashed in above the sub-navigation. I've left the option for it in there though in case anybody wanted to use the mod in a different location.

The link to download it from Xtras is here. Let me know if anyone has any issues with it or want any help installing it.

Re: Ship/Mission Status Mod for Nova

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:37 pm
by Emily
Matt, you've really outdone yourself with this one! This is a fantastic mod that I would highly recommend people use on their sites. If I still had a sim, this would be one of the first things I'd install. :D

Re: Ship/Mission Status Mod for Nova

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 1:06 am
by Terris
I just might try this when I'm off