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Norfins & Gonks

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:38 pm
by Treymiar
Norfins & Gonks

The Vulcans have their frustrating and embarrassing offshoot race, the Romulans.
Well, good news! The Ferengi have one, too!

As annoying as the little trolls can be, we can spice up our quadrant with what what amounts to punk space cycle gangs.
No danger of them taking over the galaxy or anything. They just enjoy attracting attention by causing trouble.
(Don't lecture them on non-interference. That would be a challenge to defy you.)
Technology is pretty simple, the scrounge for what they can get hold of. Plasma powered cycles are pretty much their limits.

Even though Norfins & Gonks are troublesome, they can come in very handy.
If there's any shady black marketeering going on locally, they have an uncanny tendency to know about it.
They know who the big players are in town, and they can help set up 'meetings' with the locals.
You need their help? Make it worth their while. And, shock of shocks, money isn't always the way!

Oddly enough, Klingons have much more respect for Norfins & Gonks than they do traditional Ferengi.
A cycle gang made the tragic choice of recklessly attacking a Klingon ship. (They had no idea what they were up against.)
Yet, the Klingons were so impressed with the fearless attack against superior strength, it earned serious respect points.
They're still wimps in Klingon eyes, but the strutting bravado of "the plumes" is a refreshing contrast to the spineless, insipid "baldies" of Ferenginar.
Norfins & Gonks had been exiled to a planet in the Delta Quadrant two hundred years ago. However, somehow a Federation Ferengi (Farbleton) introduced FTL travel to them... space cycles. Law enforcement agencies all around the sector found themselves plagued with complaints.

The end result was, the Federation had to round up all the Norfins and escort them back to Ferenginar space in the Alpha Quadrant. The Delta Quadrant has banned them from returning.

The primary feature distinguishing Ferengi from Norfins is the thick plume of dayglow colored hair sprouting atop Norfin heads. They pride themselves in the display of this vividly colorful plumage.

note: Ferengi in the Trek verse look remarkably like the old troll dolls, sans hair.
Ferengi were referred to as "little trolls" in TNG, so there must be a connection.
Hence, this is the inspiration for the gawdy little Trek-trolls.

Norfins and Gonks are rival factions of the same offshoot race.
When they're not causing trouble to everyone else, they positively thrive on feuding with each other.
So what's the mission, here?
How about this? The Federation has finally, after years, brought two hostile planets together at the diplomatic table.
Guess who's rumbling through the solar system at the same time? Yep, a whole space cycle convention of them. :)
No worry, it'll be a cake walk mission. The plumes have promised to behave.
Who knows, if the 'no peace' factions on both sides try to sabotage the negotiations, the little trolls might actually help save the day!
Good chance for you to pick up your recurring mission "informant" character, too.

Re: Norfins & Gonks

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:49 pm
by Treymiar
A note:

Norfin/Gonk females enjoy a far better status than Ferenginarians.
They are flamboyant 'motorcycle mammas'.
And if you're a man? In their eyes, if you haven't been arrested, then you're n not worth talking to.
(This is sharp contrast from the social sense of traumatic humiliation it would be to the baldies.)