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Discord FAQ

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 2:21 am
by Emily

As Discord has taken over as host of Pegasus Fleet's chatroom, I figured it was best to start up a FAQ to help everyone understand what exactly Discord provides us and, more importantly, how to use it. This thread will also server as a Q&A if anyone has any questions about Discord. I will be answering questions to the best of my ability and adding in some of your questions to this post. If you wish to contact me privately for further help, please email me at

So, what is it?
Discord is a chat application primarily used by gamers. It offers integration with Steam, with voice and text chat options. The reason why we found the application to be so appealing is that all of the conversations in the rooms are logged and easy for anyone to look back on - even if you weren't around to participate! So, if you've been busy at work all day and you want to come home and chat, you can easily find what you missed that day (or even look back further).

How can I access it?
Discord has applications for most devices (Mac, Windows, IOS, Android) as well as a browser chat client. Depending on your preference, you can use these clients to chat. The best part is, no matter what device you're using, you're still chatting from the same connection. So if you're on your computer talking with your friends and you need to switch to your phone, you can pick up right where you left off! No more annoying disconnects that we found on IRC. (Get a download link here!)

How do I link the Pegasus Fleet server?
To link your Discord to Pegasus Fleet's chat server, simply click on this link which will invite you to join the server. If you do not have an account, you will proceed as a guest or be given the option to make an account.

How do I set a profile picture?
If you've just joined Discord and you're looking to make yourself even more unique, why not set a profile picture? To do this (on browser/computer), you'll see a bar below all of the channels with your nickname in it. Within this bar on the right hand side, you'll see a settings cog icon. If you click that, you should see information about you appear on the popup window. Click the image on the side to change your picture.

How do I change Discord's appearance?
There are a couple of ways you can "customize" the way Discord looks. First off, to change the background color/theme of Discord, you'll need to go into your user settings. On a browser/computer, this can be done by finding the small bar right below the channels with your nickname in it. Within this bar you'll see a settings icon that links you to your preferences. Once there, navigate to the "Appearance" tab. From here you can select from a Dark and Light theme or a Cozy (default) and Compact (like IRC) layout.

What is LCARS?
If you've successfully joined Discord, something you might see on the server is our friendly neighborhood bot. This bot provides us with a couple of helpful options that are accessible to everyone on the server. His biggest feature is a ranking system that places you in a rank based on your activity/participation. His commands consist of:
  • !admiralty - outputs a list of the nicknames/positions of the Admiralty members
    !staff - outputs a list of the nicknames/positions of the Admiralty and Staff (deputy) members
    !forums - sends you a link to our forums
    !meeting - gives you the date and time of our next monthly meeting
    !social - provides links to our social media accounts
    !rank - checks your status on our ranking system
    !rank [nickname] - gives you the rank of the person you specified
    !levels - links you to a page with the server's current rank standings
How can I customize the messages I send?
Discord allows you to change some styles to the messages you send by using something called Markdown. Markdown is a popular syntax used to modify text, somewhat like html. More information on this can be found here. Discord also supports "/me" actions, but unfortunately it seems only on computer apps or browsers. For mobile devices, make the text italic!

How do I mention someone in a message?
Like IRC, Discord offers a "tab to complete" method that makes it easy to mention someone in a message. To do this, start off with an "@" sign followed by the starting letters of their nickname (or username). From there, you can easily tab to select the user you wish to mention.

What are the channels I see on the side?
Discord allows us to separate chat into different channels for different topics. We currently have four public rooms available to all members of our fleet:
  • #pegasus (PG-13) - a landing room for visitors to check out the fleet
    #lounge (PG-13) - a place for the general chatter of fleet members (PM Emily for an access)
    #continuum (18+) - a room used for risky topics such as religion, politics, etc. (PM Emily for an access)
    #help (PG-13) - a channel that provides (volunteer) help with Discord, Nova, Graphics, and so on
    #recruitment (PG-13) - a room dedicated to recruitment (recruitment should only be done when a player comes in seeking to join a game)
    #meeting (PG-13) - the room where all of our monthly meetings will be held (chat only available during meetings, logs accessible any time)
Why do some people have colored nicknames?
Colored nicknames on the server denote some type of role/permission on the server. In some cases, it helps to recognize a staff member. In other cases, it tells you who a guest is or who has reached Rank 42 in our system. Here are a list of colors and what they represent:
  • Green - a green nickname represents an admiralty member
    Light Blue - a light blue nickname represents an staff member(TFCO/Deputy)
    Orange - an orange nickname represents a member of the Department of Resources staff
    Red - a red nickname represents a member of the Academy staff
    Pink - a pink nickname represents a member of the Department of Personnel & Recruitment staff
    Dark Blue - a dark blue nickname represents a member of the Fleet Operations staff
    Yellow - a yellow nickname represents a bot
    Gold - a gold nickname represents a "Channel God" (aka someone has reached Rank 42 - no actual admin power, just a special color!)

    To mention an entire group (which notifies every member of that group), type "@group". For example, to mention the entire admiralty group, type "@admiralty". If you wish to notify every single user on the server, type "@everyone". If you'd like to mention every user in a given channel, type "@here". (Tab complete will work for this too!)
What kind of links can I post?
Posting links to your Pegasus Fleet sim, a gif, an article, or anything else on the interwebz is generally permitted so long as the content does not go above the 13+ age rating or link to a fleet/sim outside of the Fleet. When in doubt, ask an admin!