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TFCO11 Monthly Report for January 2021

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 9:37 pm
by JasmineSomers

For the month of January 2021 I am very proud of the ships in TF 11, and there has been movement, but all in all considering the global lockdown the sims in the Taskforce have been doing well even if posting numbers are a bit low, but fluctuations are to be expected. The quality of the posts are good and I am happy with that, well done to all for putting the effort in these trying times in and I would like to thank my Sim commanders for this.

Also, I am happy with TF11s posting averages with a total amount for the month of January 2021 is as follows: Average Players 9.8, Average post count 22.0 Average PPP 2.19.

I am also mindful that with things that are going on in Real Life, post counts for December 2020 are modest. The other sims in TF11 have to deal with a lot of Real Life stuff and one extra duty, keep up the good work all. I do not have much more to say for this report so I hope that I will have more news for my report for February 2021 in March 2021. Nothing more to mention for January 2021 but hopes TF11 will do just as well for February 2021.

Thank You

Fleet Captain Somers
CO USS Tomcat