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TFCO11 Monthly Report October 2021

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 9:12 pm
by JasmineSomers
Greetings All

For the month of September 2021 I am very proud of the ships in TF11, and there has been movement, but all in all considering the global lockdown which is slowly being eased where restrictions are concerned, the sims in the Taskforce have been doing well even if posting numbers are a bit low, but fluctuations are to be expected. The quality of the posts are good and I am happy with that, well done to all for putting the effort in these trying times in and I would like to thank those Sim commanders for this.

I would like to congratulate Captain Sterling on getting Bronze Sim of the month for September 2021 and I would like to congratulate my crew on making the Tomcat win Gold Sim of the Month for September 2021, if not for my crew on the USS Tomcat, this would not have been possible so a big thank you to my crew of the Tomcat.

Also congratulations to the following Taskforce 11 Level Award Winners, Captain Franklin Johnson of the USS Poseidon for winning TF11 Sim of the Month for September 2021 and to Captain Maia Sterling for getting the TF11 Post of the Month Award, congratulations to all those who got awards and congratulations to all the sims in Taskforce 11.

Here is a brief rundown of what each sim in TF11 Missions currently are, if you are interested in joining any of them please contact the Sim Commanders in a DM. I will put the ships name and Sim Commanders name that they have on discord in BOLD, after that the rest is up to those who are interested in any of the sims and wish to join them all the sims are slow-paced.

USS Tomcat FCapt Somers: Current mission “Captive State” the Tomcat has just been given a new mission where they have been sent to investigate a planet of a Pre-warp human civilisation whose ancestors were taken from the earth by the preservers, like what happened with some Native American tribe before them. Not much about the system is known, except that is has some habitable planets in the goldilocks zone of the system's star, the system is only known by its survey designation of Unexplored System 569701, to make matters worse Fleet Captain Somers has been kidnapped by persons unknown on her way back to Starbase 51, Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers feeling confident in the New First Officer to command the mission will set out on her own SAR mission to reclaim the Fleet Captain, duty is a duty, but blood is blood.

Key Positions Open: ACoS/Tactical (Ensign) & DCIO (Ensign) plus many other positions open

SB332 FCapt Von (AlexM): Starbase 332 is a hub of activity that has to cope with many, many occurrences, in their latest mission “The Archan Job” a Special Agent from Starfleet Intelligence arrives on SB332 with a mission for FCapt Von and her personnel to complete, and someone will also have to enlist the help of the 332 Crew to carry out an infiltration mission that the SFI agent had arrived with and help to stop the Tejar from retreating further underground.

Key positions open: CMO, Command Chief, Chief Strategic Operations Officer, Asst Chf Strat Ops Officer. plus many other positions open

USS Poseidon Captain Johnson: After the Battle of the Bright Nebula and Starfleet cancelling the ships original mission aiding the Cardassian’s with Relief supplies, now with a dubious event of possibly more Pirated Isolinear chips yet to be found on the ship the Poseidon has been tasked with fending off Pirates in their local sector as illegal activity has increased. Many slots available still a few key positions available for the taking, please contact Capt Johnson for more information.

Key Positions Open: Group Cmdr, Chief Cultural Officer, Asst Chf Culture Off. plus many other positions open

USS Leto Captain Maia Sterling:Captain Sterling has the job of dealing with the Riixian Insurrection as the ships is going to Betazed to deal with unexpected events that have seemed to have suddenly cropped up with the Riixian Caliphate and a prisoner which was part of the Caliphate had been captured and now Captain Sterling has been tasked with taking their prisoner to Betazed for Trial in an attempt to appease the Betazoid Government. The USS Leto is concentrating on Diplomatic missions and the occasional border skirmish, but the ships main mission is diplomatic.

Key posts Open: Second Officer, Chief of the Boat, Mission Advisor, Yeman, plus many other positions open.

USS Endurance Commander Temperance Harding: Being one of the newest commanders and ships to be commissioned, the ship is still in dry dock taking on more crew before it starts its mission properly, currently it is being retrofitted to accommodate fighters, with a new mission on the way it is an interesting time to join the Endurance as their future is not yet written and most of the crew will be seeing operational missions for the first time and what mysteries they will face in their new mission.

Key positions open: Chf Strat Ops Officer, Chf Eng Off, Chief Counsellor, Chief Science Officer, Chief Intelligence Officer plus many other positions open.

I am also mindful that with things that are going on in Real Life, post counts for September 2021 are normal for most Sims, but a few have put in a good effort for September 2021. The other sims in TF11 have to deal with a lot of Real Life, keep up the good work all. I do not have much more to say for this report so I hope that I will have more news for my report for October 2021 in November 2021.

Thank You

Fleet Captain Somers
CO USS Tomcat