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Republic of the First Worlds

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:15 pm
by YMinawara
Hey Team,

I submitted the question to the CO-Chat, but I figured I would pop it up in here so the rest of the Task Force can weigh in. The Vesta is set to make its first encounter with the RotFW, and we want to know what freedoms we can take. How can the apparent Caste System work, what races were we expecting to see? Or, as the Vesta is going to make first true contact, can we go at this with new ideas and start the foundation?


Re: Republic of the First Worlds

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:05 pm
by Jack Mantell
As a player on this sim, and the one who posed the question to Yoshi, I'd like to add an additional request. That the Vesta crew be allowed leeway to develop the Republic faction and species organically during the course of the mission.

(There's a big question whether we're allowed to, since this is a story arc mission and we're new to PF, so maybe this is a big 'duh' question anyway.)